
Customer Service Hours:
Monday – Friday – 10am – 4pm EST 
Family Owned and Operated

To keep your vacuum cleaner running at its top performance, follow these maintenance tips:

  1. Regularly Empty the Dust Bin or Bag: Empty the dust bin or replace the vacuum bag when it’s about two-thirds full to prevent loss of suction power.

  2. Clean or Replace Filters: Depending on the type of vacuum cleaner, clean or replace the filters regularly. HEPA filters, in particular, should be replaced according to the manufacturer’s recommendations to maintain air quality and suction power.

  3. Check and Clean Brushes and Rollers: Remove any tangled hair, strings, or debris from the brushes and rollers regularly to prevent clogs and maintain effective cleaning performance.

  4. Inspect and Clear Blockages: Check for and remove any blockages in the hoses, tubes, and brush bars. Clearing blockages ensures proper airflow and suction.

  5. Clean Vacuum Attachments: Wipe down or wash vacuum attachments, such as crevice tools and upholstery brushes, regularly to prevent the transfer of dirt and debris from one surface to another.

  6. Inspect Belts and Replace if Necessary: Check the belts for signs of wear and tear. If belts are worn or loose, replace them promptly to ensure proper brush rotation.

  7. Clean the Vacuum Exterior: Wipe down the exterior of the vacuum cleaner regularly to remove dust, dirt, and grime buildup. This helps maintain the appearance of the vacuum and prevents debris from entering internal components.

  8. Inspect Wheels and Maneuverability: Check the wheels and swivel mechanism for any obstructions or damage. Clean or repair as needed to ensure smooth maneuverability and ease of use.

  9. Store Properly: Store the vacuum cleaner in a clean, dry area when not in use. Avoid exposing it to extreme temperatures or moisture, which can damage internal components.

  10. Schedule Professional Servicing: Consider scheduling regular professional servicing for your vacuum cleaner, especially if you notice a decrease in performance or unusual noises. A professional technician can perform thorough maintenance and repairs to keep your vacuum running smoothly.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your vacuum cleaner operates at its peak performance, providing efficient cleaning results for years to come.