VAC PERFECT DM101 15 DUAL MOTOR UPRIGHT 50' CORD Commercial Vacuum Cleaner

VAC PERFECT DM101 15″ DUAL MOTOR UPRIGHT 50′ CORD Commercial Vacuum Cleaner
Two Motor Vacuum – Commercial Heavy Duty
Super Powerful Suction Motor – Unbelievable 90″ of Water Lift (suction) attheendofthehose-GearedDrivenPowerfulBrushRollMotor
• NewHepaFiltration System -with a push of a button, easily change hepa tilter as needed
Re-Engineered Larger debris opening to stop dirt from clogging Xtra Heavy Duty Cord Mounting System
Hi-Tech Fire Retardent Sound Deadening Gel
for Quiet use during Daytime or NightTime Cleaning
15″ Cleaning Path
Long Lasting Geared Drive Belt
•3-Way Switch turns on both motors or suction motor only
Patented Perfect Lock Stretchable Attachment Hose – Depend- ablescrew-inrItsoHoseLocksinwithoutrail- nosestretchestroms reettooreet
•BuildinCircuitBreaker-AuromaticShutOffof BrushrolMotorsovoucannotaamagemotor
• L-Shaped Base -Superior Cleaning for those nara-toreachplaces
• Self-AdjustingHead
• Perfect° Quick Change Cord System – Pigtail Cord plugs into 50 Foot Heavy Duty Extension Cord – No more down time or costly repairs
• Large Cord Wraps – 50 ft. Cord Fits easilyon Machine
•I Ergonomic Handle Grip
• Attachments include: Crevice Tool, Plastic Wand, Combo Dust Brush/ Upholstery Tool